Another Year, Another Baby Turned Toddler

Sharing photography with others has continued to be on the back burner, but I continued to catch some memories of our sweet baby boy and his big sis since he joined our family along with some friends and family in the meantime.

Fussy babies seem to be a “thing” for our family. Aniston made it through her rough start with 6 months of colic (followed by intense, constant fussiness the next 6 months) and sweet, just as loud, Lochlan made it through some newborn colic followed by several long months of full blown reflux.

I feel like the fog of the first year is starting to lift.  This season of motherhood is so challenging with only a couple hours of solid sleep in a row for the first year and so few people who my babies allow to comfort them. Some days I feel like I don’t remember anything that happened when they were infants. Thank you pictures!!!  Whether my iPhone or my professional camera, they are precious memories nonetheless.

So here we are AGAIN; one year later only this time with a golden, curly-haired almost 3 year-old who is incredibly smart and headstrong, and a clingy, super smiley if mom is near him, inquisitive 1 year-old.

Through it all, we are crazy blessed and so thankful for our little monkeys.  And although I’m a little apprehensive to leave my sweet, crazy kiddos for a few hours, I’m eager to get back to spending time with your babies and families to help you with your precious memories.

Sessions are starting back up in Kentucky, but will be limited. Please feel free to contact me for pricing and availability.

Here is a look at our handsome Lochlan’s first year. Don’t let the smiles fool you. He’ll give you a run for your money, but we’re so in love with him.


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