
Here’s a little preview of little A’s nursery. Yes, her name is still a surprise, and hopefully we can keep it that way a few more weeks! Since we decided to find out the gender, we thought it would be fun to surprise our friends and family with revealing her name once she arrives. I’m sure more goodies will be added to her room as we go, but here’s a pretty good start.

I, like most women, am a Pinterest addict. I love how there are so many ideas compiled in one place. I’ve never really considered myself a crafty person, but Pinterest helps give me a boost of where to start and how to make projects with my own flare. I started compiling things for her room and decided I wanted to try out a few projects. I recreated the three verses above her dresser in Photoshop and used scrapbook paper and good ole modge podge to make her hair bow holder. I love how sweet and girly her nursery is. Now all we need is for this sweet little girl to arrive!

September 10, 2014 - 2:19 am

Regina Crowe - So cute Ashley! I love it! You did a great job! Miss you guys!

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